Meeting documents

Dorset County Council Economic Growth Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 15th June, 2016 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Economic Growth Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 15th June, 2016 10.00 am (Item 7.)

The Cabinet Member for Economy and Growth to address the Committee on the vision for delivering economic growth throughout Dorset for it to be prosperous and the strategy for doing this, with the purpose and aims of the Committee being set in context by the Lead Officer, as Director for Environment and the Economy and the Head of Economy, together with an initial induction from supporting officers on the principles of the Committee, including :-


·         what scrutiny entails and how this function should be applied;

·         understanding the purpose of the Committee and making sense of the part it plays in meeting the aims of the Corporate Plan;

·         the means by which this might be achieved;

·         an explanation of the State of Dorset Economy, the role of the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership and the relationship these will have with the Committee.


An opportunity will also be provided to meet principal officers and those relevant Heads of Service who will regularly service the Committee. 


With the aid of a visual presentation, the purpose and aims of the Committee were set in context by lead officers, namely the Group Manager – Governance and Assurance, the Director for Environment and the Economy and the Head of Economy. The way in which the Committee was designed to operate, what economic growth entailed and the issues for focus were drawn to the attention of the Committee. Officers explained:-


·         what scrutiny entailed and how this function should be applied;

·         provided an understanding  of the purpose of the Committee and making sense of the part it played in meeting the aims of the Corporate Plan;

·         the means by which this might be achieved;

·         an explanation of the State of Dorset Economy, the role of the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership and the relationship these had with the Committee.


Opportunities and challenges facing Dorset were outlined and the part productivity; an ageing workforce; benefits claimants; skills and education; housing; infrastructure and the role that the environment played in all this was explained. The principle of an Economic Growth Strategy and the benefit this would bring was explained and members recognised that ownership of this should be embraced by them to ensure that the Committee was successful.


The part that the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership played in influencing economic growth was drawn to the Committee’s attention and the success in achieving the Dorset (Green) Enterprise Zone at Winfrith Newburgh was noted, as well as the importance of the Western Dorset Growth Corridor and what benefits this brought. The importance of digital infrastructure and its availability in order to access opportunities was seen to be essential in economic growth being successful and every effort was being made to facilitate the provision of Superfast Broadband throughout the County, which was demonstrated by the County Council’s continued commitment towards this.  It was acknowledged that universal provision of Superfast Broadband was critical to the future economic prosperity of Dorset.


Officers explained that in enabling economic growth, consideration should be given to the part employment; housing; skills; infrastructure and the environment played and the relationship between these. Whilst sophisticated technological business played a critical part in how economic growth might be achieved, there was a need to recognise the importance of what part other more traditional sectors played in this across the rural county, with the likes of tourism, agriculture, fishing, mineral extraction and quarrying, and oil exploration and production all playing their significant part in benefitting the economy. The viability of these would ensure that rural development was maintained and that there was investment made to benefit the rural sector alongside other sectors of the economy. 


The Committee were keen to see that commercial investment fulfilled its potential and how the County Council was able to facilitate economic growth for the private sector was instrumental in this. There was an acknowledgment that businesses needed to be encouraged to locate to Dorset for prosperity to be achieved. Given the various means by which the County Council could play its part in facilitating economic growth across the County, there were significant opportunities for Dorset to achieve its aim of stimulating a more prosperous economy.

